Friday 1st July after prayers at a mosque in Cahors (a modest provincial town in France), Moroccans resident in the locality went to vote over three days in a referendum on the Moroccan constitution. There are not that many moroccans resident in the district. No doubt this activity also was commonplace in Spain and Italy?

British citizens after 15 years have no voting powers for the British Government nor for any referenda relating to the UK. Many British citizens who have no recent connection with any UK constituency have any vote at all! Yet they may be forced to pay tax to the UK and have numerous personal links with the UK, and a deep concern with how the UK Government performs at home and abroad.
There have never been any polling stations for Britons in France!
Britons! Visit this site....
Discover the issues - Why you need the vote.
Britons! Visit this site....
Discover the issues - Why you need the vote.
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