Movement of British State Pensioners to other EU STATES and other countries of the world

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The table lower down gives figures for movements in Europe and other parts of the world. Those countries with a * have State pensions increased each year - the others have the British State pensions frozen.
Some observations.
New Zealand
The largest number of retired British citizens emigrating during 2013/14 went to New Zealand. In N.Z the British State pension is frozen - but......
New Zealand residents are entitled to receive NZ Super (the old age pension) if they satisfy all of the following conditions. They must:
- have reached State pension age (currently age 65);
- be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident;
- live in New Zealand;
- have lived in New Zealand for at least 10 years since age 20; or
- have lived in New Zealand for at least 5 years since age 50.
--------------- New Zealand is moreover the most ‘English’ of all destinations.
This is probably a significant reason why the influx of British State Pensioners is constantly rising in New Zealand.
CANADA - SOUTH AFRICA - AUSTRALIA In these countries the State Pension is frozen and their appears to be no adequate compensation scheme to offset this. No doubt this is why the numbers are dropping.
PAKISTAN and JAMAICA and INDIA - Although Jamaica has non-frozen pensions, the numbers have dropped year on year. Pakistan also shows a year on year decline.- possibly there is a cultural reason?
India (with frozen pensions) shows an increase - again is the reason cultural, but opposite to that of Pakistan and more akin to the reasons why so many native stock Britons retire abroad especially to culturally similar countries?
ITALY and USA In MAY 2013 ( see the last column of figures) these countries achieved a higher figure and have since declined by tiny numbers.
NEW ZEALAND, IRELAND and FRANCE have received the greatest number of immigrant retired British citizens since MAY 2013 with 3480, 2140 and 1740 people respectively.
N.B. not all British State Pensioners are British Citizens, this is probably chiefly true of the Irish situation.
Remember that these figures include the death rate (which is fairly high amongst pensioners). so the changes in numbers reflect the fact that movements from the UK are a good deal higher than those shown.
The overall percentage of British pensioners abroad has risen gradually year on year and is now 9.49%.
Country of Immigration | % change 2002-2014 | Number in 2002 | Number in Feb 2013 | Numbers in May 2013 | Number in Feb 2014 | % change 2013-2014 | difference between May 2013 and Feb 2014 |
Jamaica* | -39.0% | 23420 | 17690 | 17560 | 16850 | -5.0% | -710 |
Pakistan | -47.6% | 5920 | 4120 | 4100 | 4010 | -2.7% | -90 |
Canada | 4.9% | 144830 | 154870 | 155040 | 152250 | -1.7% | -2790 |
South Africa | 6.3% | 34960 | 37670 | 37780 | 37330 | -0.9% | -450 |
Australia | 10.4% | 224210 | 250770 | 250990 | 250300 | -0.2% | -690 |
Italy* | 21.1% | 30080 | 38160 | 38170 | 38130 | -0.1% | -40 |
USA* | 14.3% | 120350 | 140270 | 140520 | 140410 | 0.1% | -110 |
India | 25.2% | 3950 | 5190 | 5210 | 5280 | 1.7% | 70 |
Spain* | 55.1% | 48000 | 106280 | 106850 | 106890 | 0.6% | 40 |
Cyprus* | 57.0% | 7920 | 18270 | 18380 | 18440 | 0.9% | 60 |
Ireland* | 30.1% | 92520 | 129320 | 130190 | 132330 | 2.3% | 2140 |
Germany* | 33.4% | 27350 | 39990 | 40330 | 41070 | 2.6% | 740 |
Israel* | 27.2% | 3640 | 4920 | 4950 | 5000 | 1.6% | 50 |
Greece* | 61.9% | 2190 | 5600 | 5650 | 5750 | 2.6% | 100 |
Portugal* | 52.3% | 4760 | 9680 | 9780 | 9980 | 3.0% | 200 |
France* | 68.2% | 19770 | 59620 | 60350 | 62090 | 4.0% | 1740 |
N.Z. | 34.9% | 38640 | 55990 | 55900 | 59380 | 5.7% | 3480 |
Switzerland* | 65.1% | 3910 | 10700 | 10820 | 11190 | 4.4% | 370 |
Netherlands* | 47.9% | 6240 | 11420 | 11600 | 11980 | 4.7% | 380 |